Several times per week I receive a request for permission to share something on my page, or if I will share it myself.
Today’s response was as follows:
“As you can imagine with the thousands of people I have on my friend s list I receive requests like this frequently. I take their trust in me very seriously. As a marketing professional, business consultant and philanthropist it is important to be sure that anything I share is a product or service I actually use and endorse. In fact, I may only endorse a product or service once or twice per year. As a marketing professional I especially have to be cautious because my clients are watching. Thank you again for reaching out.”
Important items to know. I have never met this person. Within 24 hours of accepting a friend request, I received the first request. Today being the second. Otherwise, I have literally had no interaction with this person. Ever. To top it off, after receiving the request this morning and responding with my professional boundaries, I find that we are no longer friends.
I would like to say that I am surprised but I am not. In fact it actually proves that my decision not to endorse the product or service was wise.
What does your customer see? First and foremost they see that you are using them as a marketing strategy. Especially when there is no other interaction but asking them to market their product or service to the people in your circle.
Second, it tells them that you don’t understand sound marketing strategies. We have all heard “people won’t care what you know until they know how much you care”. This is true in marketing in a one-on-one capacity. It takes years to build a following and one with trust.
When we endorse a product, service, or company, people in our circle have a reasonable expectation that we use what is being offered, that we are confident in it enough to put our reputations on the line. That is a HUGE ask.
Lastly, it tells your customer that their only worth is the friends on their list. Whatever problem your product or service might solve is secondary to their goals to move up in their company.
If you want to learn more about how to effectively use social media to advertise your offerings simply send me an email at Mindy@PRChick.Rocks